Leading company in the Colombian livestock industry dedicated to the production, preservation and commercialization of meat and its by-products.
Founded in 1957, Camaguey has constantly renewed and prepared itself to position itself as the most integrated and technologically advanced meat packing plant in Colombia.

Promised Sacrifice x Month

Frozen Storage
Promised Sacrifice x Day

Refrigerated Storage

Corral Capacity

In 17 Cold Cellars

To be the leading company in slaughter and processing of meat products and their derivatives, in the commercialization of products certified with international standards in food safety management, in canine toys and leathers, to be recognized by our clients for the quality and traceability of the products and processes.
Historical Review

Cattle Slaughter
Start of livestock slaughter and channel marketing activities

Expansion of slaughter and cooling capacity

Boning Room
The first boning room with a capacity for 60 Beef / hour was inaugurated

Tanning process begins for Wet Blue with capacity
from 20000 Skins / Month

Canine Toys
Start-up of the Canine Toys plant

Cold meats
Preparation and marketing of meat products and sausages

New Sacrifice Room
inauguration of a new slaughter room, the most modern in Latin America , with a total area of 1580 square meters and with a capacity to slaughter 110 cattle per hour

We are a business organization in the meat sector, by-products and its derivatives, provider of high-quality food solutions, based on the efficiency of its processes, distinctive technology, social responsibility and a competent human team committed to food safety, aimed at to satisfy the needs and experiences of the national and international market, through a portfolio of differentiated and nutritious world-class products